Kaschin-Beck disease
M00-M99 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)
M05-M14 Inflammatory polyarthropathies (M05-M14)
M12 Other and unspecified arthropathy
M12.1 Kaschin-Beck disease
M12.10 Kaschin-Beck disease, unspecified site
M12.11 Kaschin-Beck disease, shoulder
M12.12 Kaschin-Beck disease, elbow
M12.13 Kaschin-Beck disease, wrist
M12.14 Kaschin-Beck disease, hand
M12.15 Kaschin-Beck disease, hip
M12.16 Kaschin-Beck disease, knee
M12.17 Kaschin-Beck disease, ankle and foot
M12.18 Kaschin-Beck disease, vertebrae
M12.19 Kaschin-Beck disease, multiple sites
Use an external cause code following the code for the musculoskeletal condition, if applicable, to identify the cause of the musculoskeletal condition
Inclusion Terms
Osteochondroarthrosis deformans endemica
Excludes 1
Excludes 2
- L40.5 Arthropathic psoriasis
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P04-P96)
- A00-B99 Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
compartment syndrome (traumatic) (T79.A-)
- T79.A Traumatic compartment syndrome
complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O9A)
- O00-O9A Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O9A)
congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
- Q00-Q99 Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E88)
- S00-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)
- C00-D49 Neoplasms (C00-D49)
symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R94)